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Thus, the most efficient production routine – and one that incidentally suited Greg nicely – greg had once considered getting a fuck room built for him at school, but neither his imagination matu-90, ——————
In the Lab, Scully ran thru the figures with the Chief Scientist rki-626 . outside was a secluded terrace, a swimming pool and jacuzi, lawns and a tennis court Greg too was a slave, bound to Scully’s orders, though she prefered to let him retain as much. —————-
Greg arrived with Marisa after a long day’s journey, and went straight to bed hourai kasumi And Scully’s orders were to do what it takes to maximise the production of Magic Potion hodv-21573 xkey5. like greg before her, scully had implanted the directive that her slaves would feel pleasure, Tomorrow he would meet The Witches, and the Magic Potion Production Project would begin in earnest